18 May 2017

The Wacky Watercooler May Celebration - Old Favorites Which Made the New Catalog

Welcome to our May Blog Hop for which we are celebrating those products which carried over and made it into our upcoming new Annual Catalogue.  You know how hard it is to say good-bye to some of your favourites, right?  Well, discovering that they didn't retire is definitely cause for celebration.  We hope that the products we feature in our posts are also some of your favourites.

As always, our Blog Hop runs in a circular fashion.  No matter where in the list of participants you begin, inevitably you'll wind up right where you began if you keep moving to the "NEXT" blog.  Of course the circle still works if you happen to be moving backwards through the Blog Hop.

This month we have seven participants from the United States and Canada.  As a result you'll see a lot of diverse projects, since we're all affected by our surroundings.

And now, without further ado, here is our list of participants and their order of appearance. Just "click" on a name and you'll arrive at that person's blog post within seconds.  Enjoy!

Jayme Ziemer (USA)

Marie Green (USA)

Sheri Lee (Canada)

Marsha Reed (USA)

Heidi Weaver (Canada)

Penny Hanuszak (Canada)

We hope you enjoy checking out everyone's post and we'd love for you to leave a comment. Comments are the icing on the cake for those of us sharing our posts.
Our next blog hop will launch on June 15th.  We look forward to seeing you then.

20 Apr 2017

The Wacky Watercooler April Blog Hop --- Retirement Means Goodbye

Welcome to our April Blog Hop which features all the retiring products which we are going to miss most.  Well, perhaps not all.  That might take far more room than our Blog Hop could handle.  One thing to remember as you check out the wonderful creations  in the participating blogs is that the retiring products officially "disappear" at the end of May.  The bad news is that any product which runs out of stock will disappear a lot sooner.  So if you want something that is retiring, contact your favourite Demonstrator to place an order. Procrastination won't work out too well for you this time of the year.

As always, our Blog Hop runs in a circular fashion.  No matter where in the list of participants you begin, inevitably you'll wind up right where you began if you keep moving to the "NEXT" blog.  Of course the circle still works if you happen to be moving backwards through the Blog Hop.

This month we have six participants from the United States and Canada.  As a result you'll see a lot of diverse projects, since we're all affected by our surroundings.

And now, without further ado, here is our list of participants and their order of appearance. Just "click" on a name and you'll arrive at that person's blog post within seconds.  Enjoy!

Gail Allen (Canada)

Sheri Lee (Canada)

Marsha Reed (U.S.A.)

Penny Hanuszak (Canada)

Heidi Weaver (Canada)

Marie Green (U.S.A.)

We hope you enjoy everyone's blog post and, of course, we hope that you'll leave comments.  Comments are the icing on the cake for those of us who share our projects.

Our next Blog Hop will launch on May 18th.  We hope to see you then to show of some of the new products in the upcoming new Annual Catalogue.

16 Mar 2017

The Wacky Watercooler March Blog Hop -- It's All About Sale-a-bration!

Welcome to our March Blog Hop which is all about the wonderful freebies available during Sale-a-bration.  There is so much to choose from and so little time.  Sale-a-bration ends on the last day of March.  Now, before panic sets in, check out the terrific projects created by our busy and talented little group this month.  Since all the projects will feature something from Sale-a-bration, you'll get a chance to see if there is something that you just "can't live without".  Time is ticking.

As always, our Blog Hop runs in a circular fashion.  No matter where in the list of participants you begin, inevitably you'll wind up in the exact same place again if you keep going to the "next" blog.  It works the same way whether you conform to the usual forward movement through the blog posts or if you're a rebel and work your way through in reverse order.

This month we have five participants from various spots in the world.  As a result, you'll see a lot of diverse projects since we are all affected by our surroundings.

And now, without further ado, here is our list of participants and their order of appearance.  Just click on the name and you'll arrive at their blog post within seconds.

Marsha Reed (U.S.A.)

Marie Green (U.S.A.)

Fiona Whitehead (Great Britain)

Sheri Lee (Canada)

Heidi Weaver (Canada)

We hope you enjoy checking out everyone's post and we'd love for you to leave a comment. Comments are the icing on the cake for those of us sharing our posts.

Our next blog hop will launch on Thursday, April 20th.  We hope to see you then to share more wonderful projects.
Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

16 Feb 2017

The Wacky Watercooler's February "Spring Fever" Blog Hop

Whether your weather is cold or mild, Spring is right around the corner.  If you're like the rest of us, it can't come soon enough.  Especially for those of you who endure long months of snow, the prospect of the world coming alive with leaves sprouting and birds returning from their long trips south brings a lot of joy.  This blog hop, therefore, is our nod to the inevitable "Spring Fever" which seems to affect us this time of the year.

As always, our Blog Hop runs in a circular fashion.  No matter where in the list of participants you begin, inevitably you'll wind up in the exact same place again if you keep going to the "next" blog.  It works the same way whether you conform to the usual forward movement through the blog posts or if you're a rebel and work your way through in reverse order.

This month we have nine participants from various spots in the United States and Canada.  As a result, you'll see a lot of diverse projects since we are all affected by our surroundings.

And now, without further ado, here is our list of participants and their order of appearance.  Just click on the name and you'll arrive at their blog post within seconds.

Penny Hanuszak (Canada)

Kath Ricks (U.S.A)

Marsha Reed (U.S.A.)

Libby Fens (U.S.A.)

Deborah Smart (Canada)

Gail Allen (Canada)

Sheri Lee (Canada)

Marie Green (U.S.A.)

Heidi Weaver (Canada)

We hope you enjoy checking out everyone's post and we'd love for you to leave a comment. Comments are the icing on the cake for those of us sharing our posts.

Our next blog hop will launch on Thursday, March 16th.  We hope to see you then to share more wonderful projects.

19 Jan 2017

Wacky Watercooler January Mini Hop Number Two

Welcome to our second mini blog hop of 2017!  Because the new 2017 Occasions Catalog has just launched as well as the 2017 Sale-A-Bration Catalog, we decided that we couldn't wait until the third Thursday of the month for our Blog Hop so, for this month only, we decided to present two mini-blog hops.  We've each created one or two projects showing off the gorgeous new products that are featured in the new catalog.  We're excited and hope you are as well.  The hard part was keeping it down to just two projects.
As always, our Blog Hop runs in a circular fashion.  No matter where in the list of participants you begin, inevitably you'll wind up in the exact same place again if you keep going to the "next" blog.  It works the same way whether you conform to the usual forward movement through the blog posts or if you're a rebel and work your way through in reverse order.

For this mini hop we have twelve participants from various spots in the United States and Canada.  As a result, you'll see a lot of diverse projects since we are all affected by our surroundings.

And now, without further ado, here is our list of participants and their order of appearance. Just click on the name and you'll arrive at their blog post within seconds.

Jean Fitch  (USA)

Heidi Weaver  (Canada)

Sheri Lee  (Canada)

Kath Ricks  (USA)

Deborah Smart  (Canada)

Marie Green  (USA)

Lisa Kmiec  (USA)

Marsha Reed  (USA)

Jayme Ziemer  (USA)

Gail Allen  (CANADA)

Penny Hanuszak  (CANADA)

Priscilla Ivler  (USA)

We hope you enjoy checking out everyone's post and we'd love for you to leave a comment. Comments are the icing on the cake for those of us sharing our posts.
Our next blog hop will launch on February 16th.  We look forward to seeing you then.

5 Jan 2017

Wacky Watercooler January Mini Blog Hop Number One

Welcome to our first blog hop of 2017!  Because the new 2017 Occasions Catalog has just launched and the 2017 Sale-A-Bration Catalog, we decided that we couldn't wait until the third Thursday of the month for our Blog Hop so, for this month only, we decided to present two mini-blog hops.  We've each created one or two projects showing off the gorgeous new products that are featured in the new catalog.  We're excited and hope you are as well.  The hard part was keeping it down to just two projects.

As always, our Blog Hop runs in a circular fashion.  No matter where in the list of participants you begin, inevitably you'll wind up in the exact same place again if you keep going to the "next" blog.  It works the same way whether you conform to the usual forward movement through the blog posts or if you're a rebel and work your way through in reverse order.

For this mini hop we have six participants from various spots in the United States and Canada.  As a result, you'll see a lot of diverse projects since we are all affected by our surroundings.

And now, without further ado, here is our list of participants and their order of appearance.  Just click on the name and you'll arrive at their blog post within seconds.

Marie Green  (USA)

Penny Hanuszak  (Canada)

Jean Fitch  (USA)

Marsha Reed  (USA)

We hope you enjoy checking out everyone's post and we'd love for you to leave a comment. Comments are the icing on the cake for those of us sharing our posts.

Our next mini blog hop will launch on January 19th with more projects based on products from the 2017 Occasions Catalog and the 2017 Sale-A-Bration Catalog.  We look forward to seeing you then.

17 Nov 2016

The Wacky Watercooler November Blog Hop Celebrates Christmas

Whether your weather is cold or mild, Christmas is right around the corner.  If you're like the rest of us, you'll be swamped with plans for Christmas creations.  Take a minute and have a look through the wonderful posts in our blog hop and perhaps you'll find some ideas which will make those Christmas creations easier and more fun.

As always, our Blog Hop runs in a circular fashion.  No matter where in the list of participants you begin, inevitably you'll wind up in the exact same place again if you keep going to the "next" blog.  It works the same way whether you conform to the usual forward movement through the blog posts or if you're a rebel and work your way through in reverse order.

This month we have ten participants from various spots in the United States and Canada.  As a result, you'll see a lot of diverse projects since we are all affected by our surroundings.

And now, without further ado, here is our list of participants and their order of appearance.  Just click on the name and you'll arrive at their blog post within seconds.

Libby Fens (USA)

Marsha Reed (USA)

Penny Hanuszak (Canada)

Heidi Weaver (Canada)

Sheri Lee (Canada)

Marie Green (USA)

Gail Allen (Canada)

Jean Fitch (USA)

We hope you enjoy checking out everyone's post and we'd love for you to leave a comment.  Comments are the icing on the cake for those of us sharing our posts.

Have a wonderful Christmas, Hanukkah, or whatever you and your loved ones enjoy celebrating.  We're taking the month of December off and so we'll begin the New Year with two mini Blog Hops in January.  Stay healthy.  Have a wonderful time.  Happy New Year!

20 Oct 2016

The Wacky Watercooler October Blog Hop Celebrates Fall

Fall is such a  spectacular season, isn't it?  The trees put on their finest colours before retiring to their long sleep for Winter.  It's a time of year when artists and photographers do their best to capture a bit of that beauty and poets put together descriptive words in an effort to do justice to the scene.  Of course paper artists also have to do their best, given the tools available to them.  Thank goodness Stampin' Up! offers some fine colours, stamps and dies to make that task easier.  Welcome to our celebration of Fall (or Autumn if you grew up with that name for the season).  Prepare to be "wowed" by some wonderful projects.

As always, our Blog Hop runs in a circular fashion.  No matter where in the list of participants you begin, inevitably you'll wind up in the exact same place again if you keep going to the "next" blog.  It works the same way whether you conform to the usual forward movement through the blog posts or if you're a rebel and work your way through in reverse order.

For this hop we have participants from the United States and Canada.  As a result, you'll see a lot of diverse projects since we are all affected by our surroundings.

And now, without further ado, here is our list of participants and their order of appearance.  Just click on the name and you'll arrive at their blog post within seconds.

Gail Allen (Canada)

Penny Hanuszak (Canada)

Libby Fens (USA)

Heidi Weaver (Canada)

We hope you enjoy checking out everyone's post and we'd love for you to leave a comment. Comments are the icing on the cake for those of us sharing our posts.

Our next blog hop will launch on November 17th .  We look forward to showing off our Christmas Extravaganza at that time.

15 Sept 2016

The Wacky Watercooler September Blog Hop - Favourites from the Holiday Catalog

Welcome to our celebration of the new Holiday Catalog.  Our September features each of our favourites in the new catalog.  There are so many to choose from but it's usually the products you order when the catalog first launches which are the ones you liked the most.  Yes, we all have extremely long "wish" lists, but some always make their way to the top and wind up in the first order. These are the products you'll have a chance to see used by our creative group.  We hope you enjoy them and that it helps you with your "wish" list.

As always, our Blog Hop runs in a circular fashion.  No matter where in the list of participants you begin, inevitably you'll wind up in the exact same place again if you keep going to the "next" blog.  It works the same way whether you conform to the usual forward movement through the blog posts or if you're a rebel and work your way through in reverse order.

For this hop we have participants from around the world.  As a result, you'll see a lot of diverse projects since we are all affected by our surroundings.

And now, without further ado, here is our list of participants and their order of appearance.  Just click on the name and you'll arrive at their blog post within seconds.

Gail Allen (Canada)

Heidi Weaver (Canada)

Jan McQueen (Australia)

Marsha Reed (USA)

Fiona Whitehead (England)

Penny Hanuszak (Canada)

Marie Green (USA)

We hope you enjoy checking out everyone's post and we'd love for you to leave a comment. Comments are the icing on the cake for those of us sharing our posts.

Our next blog hop will launch on October 20th.  We look forward to seeing you again.

18 Aug 2016

The Wacky Watercooler August Blog Hop -- Stepping it Up: One, Two, Three!

Welcome to our August Blog Hop.  This month we're doing something completely different.  You've heard of "stepping it up", right?  Well, that's what we're doing with our cards.  We begin with a simple card.  The next project is all about "stepping it up" and adding interest.  Finally, we "step it up" all the way, dressing up the card in style.  It should be fun and we hope you'll enjoy it as you travel along through the circle.

Circle?  Yes, as always, our Blog Hop runs in a circular fashion.  No matter where in the list of participants you begin, inevitably you'll wind up in the exact same place again if you keep going to the "next" blog.  It works the same way whether you conform to the usual forward movement through the blog posts or if you're a rebel and work your way through in reverse order.

For this hop we have seven awesome participants from various spots in the United States and Canada and one equally awesome participant from England. As a result, you'll see a lot of diverse projects since we are all affected by our surroundings.

And now, without further ado, here is our list of participants and their order of appearance.  Just click on the name and you'll arrive at their blog post within seconds.

Marsha Reed (USA)

Gail Allen (Canada)

Marie Green (USA)

Fiona Whitehead (England)

Heidi Weaver (Canada)

Penny Hanuszak (Canada)

We hope you enjoy checking out everyone's post and we'd love for you to leave a comment. Comments are the icing on the cake for those of us sharing our posts.

Our next blog hop will launch on September 15th.  We look forward to seeing you then.

21 Jul 2016

Wacky Watercooler Blog Hop---3rd Anniversary Celebration!

As you can see from the title, this is a very special blog hop to which we're welcoming you.  It's our 3rd Anniversary. As blog hops go, that's quite a milestone because many don't last as long.  Not only has ours lasted these three years, but it has thrived.  New people have joined in along the way and we've also attracted a nice, large group of followers.  Life is good!

For this special blog hop, we were lucky enough to have the original group from our first post on July 25th, 2013.  You can see the original hop if you click HERE.  Jean Fitch founded the blog hop but was unable to continue after the first one and so I took over.  Luckily Jean comes back frequently to hop with us and is also taking part in this celebration.

Some of the names may have changed.  You can see from the first hop, that our banner has changed.  But at the heart of it, the blog hop has continued to be the same, showing off our love of crafting and all things Stampin' Up!

As always, our Blog Hop runs in a circular fashion.  No matter where in the list of participants you begin, inevitably you'll wind up in the exact same place again if you keep going to the "next" blog.  It works the same way whether you conform to the usual forward movement through the blog posts or if you're a rebel and work your way through in reverse order.

For this hop we have twelve awesome participants beginning with the original "pioneers" in the order in which they appeared for the first blog hop.  Following them are a few of the people we've added over the years.  Expect  to be dazzled!

And now, without further ado, here is our list of participants and their order of appearance.  Just click on the name and you'll arrive at their blog post within seconds.

We hope you enjoy checking out everyone's post and we'd love for you to leave a comment. Comments are the icing on the cake for those of us sharing our posts.

Our next blog hop will launch on August 18th.  We look forward to seeing you then.

18 Jul 2016

Join us this week for our 3rd Anniversary Hop!

That's right!  Our Wacky Watercooler Blog Hop has weathered three years of creating and posting.  This Thursday, July 21st, we're celebrating by having our entire original group return.  They are joined by more recent additions to the group.  Altogether it should be a wonderfully creative celebration.

Come join the party!  The blog hop begins at 7 p.m. Mountain Time this Thursday.

16 Jun 2016

The Wacky Watercooler June Blog Hop Celebrates the New Annual Catalog

Welcome to our celebration of the new Annual Catalog.  Our June challenge is all about our favourites in the new catalog.  There are so many to choose from but it's usually the products you order when the catalog first launches which are the ones you liked the most.  Yes, we all have extremely long "wish" lists, but some always make their way to the top and wind up in the first order.  These are the products you'll have a chance to see used by our creative group.  We hope you enjoy them and that it helps you with your "wish" list.

As always, our Blog Hop runs in a circular fashion.  No matter where in the list of participants you begin, inevitably you'll wind up in the exact same place again if you keep going to the "next" blog.  It works the same way whether you conform to the usual forward movement through the blog posts or if you're a rebel and work your way through in reverse order.

For this hop we have eight awesome participants from various spots in the United States and Canada. As a result, you'll see a lot of diverse projects since we are all affected by our surroundings.

And now, without further ado, here is our list of participants and their order of appearance.  Just click on the name and you'll arrive at their blog post within seconds.

We hope you enjoy checking out everyone's post and we'd love for you to leave a comment. Comments are the icing on the cake for those of us sharing our posts.

Our next blog hop will launch on July 21st and is our Third Anniversary Blog Hop.  We look forward to seeing you then.

19 May 2016

The Wacky Watercooler May Mashup Blog Hop

Welcome to our May 2016 Wacky Watercooler Blog Hop.  May is a month like no other in the Stampin' Up! world.  During this month we have our retiring products list, we still have our Occasions Catalogue, and we have ordered from the "Sneak Peek" list of items available from the upcoming brand new Annual Catalogue.  Add to that the fact that Father's Day is coming up in a few weeks and you will understand why we're referring to this blog hop as our "May Mashup".  We're going to mash all that together and will each present three projects for your enjoyment:  one featuring favourite retiring products, one featuring some of the new "sneak peek" products, and one that is purely masculine.

As always, our Blog Hop runs in a circular fashion.  No matter where in the list of participants you begin, inevitably you'll wind up in the exact same place again if you keep going to the "next" blog.  It works the same way whether you conform to the usual forward movement through the blog posts or if you're a rebel and work your way through in reverse order.

For this hop we have six awesome participants from various spots in the United States and Canada. As a result, you'll see a lot of diverse projects since we are all affected by our surroundings.

And now, without further ado, here is our list of participants and their order of appearance.  Just click on the name and you'll arrive at their blog post within seconds.

We hope you enjoy checking out everyone's post and we'd love for you to leave a comment. Comments are the icing on the cake for those of us sharing our posts.

Our next blog hop will launch on June 16th.  We look forward to seeing you then.

21 Apr 2016

The Wacky Watercooler April Blog Hop - Goodbye to the 2014-16 In-Colors!


Welcome to our Wacky Watercooler April Blog Hop.  While we didn't have the retiring list when we planned our blog hop, we knew the awesome 2014-16 In-Colors would definitely be leaving us.  As a result we're focusing some of our efforts for this blog hop on using those beautiful colours and showcasing them one last time.  As well, we've decided to bring back a fun feature from one of last year's blog hops.  We're going to CASE each other.  Of course we don't have the energy to go and pick a project from every participant's blog to CASE in this blog hop, but by drawing names, we each have one participant whose blogs we could check out in detail to find a project that we wished to CASE.  What do I mean by the word CASE?  It's an acronym which stands for "copy and share everything".  So whichever project "spoke" to us would be the one we would choose and interpret our own way.  Fun?  Check out the posts and see for yourself!

As always, our Blog Hop runs in a circular fashion.  No matter where in the list of participants you begin, inevitably you'll wind up in the exact same place again if you keep going to the "next" blog.  It works the same way whether you conform to the usual forward movement through the blog posts or if you're a rebel and work your way through in reverse order.

For this hop we have eleven participants from various spots in the United States and Canada. As a result, you'll see a lot of diverse projects since we are all affected by our surroundings.

And now, without further ado, here is our list of participants and their order of appearance.  Just click on the name and you'll arrive at their blog post within seconds.

We hope you enjoy checking out everyone's post and we'd love for you to leave a comment. Comments are the icing on the cake for those of us sharing our posts.

Our next blog hop will launch on May 19th.  We look forward to seeing you then.

17 Mar 2016

The Wacky Watercooler March Madness Blog Hop


Welcome to our March 2016 Wacky Watercooler Blog Hop.  This month we are going a little "mad" with Fancy Folds and Distinctive Styles.   March is so unpredictable with it's "in like a lion and out like a lamb" that we figured a little madness was just the ticket for the hop.

As always, our Blog Hop runs in a circular fashion.  No matter where in the list of participants you begin, inevitably you'll wind up in the exact same place again if you keep going to the "next" blog.  It works the same way whether you conform to the usual forward movement through the blog posts or if you're a rebel and work your way through in reverse order.

For this hop we have ten participants from various spots in the United States and Canada. As a result, you'll see a lot of diverse projects since we are all affected by our surroundings.

And now, without further ado, here is our list of participants and their order of appearance.  Just click on the name and you'll arrive at their blog post within seconds.

We hope you enjoy checking out everyone's post and we'd love for you to leave a comment. Comments are the icing on the cake for those of us sharing our posts.

Our next blog hop will launch on April 21st.  We look forward to seeing you then.

18 Feb 2016

The Wacky Watercooler Blog Hop Celebrates the Occasions in Our Lives

Welcome to our February 2016 Blog Hop.  This month we're celebrating the Occasions in our lives.  Stampin' Up! has certainly provided us with a lot of wonderful products to use for those occasions, both in the Occasions Catalogue and, of course, in the Annual Catalogue.  It's great to be able to mix and match between catalogues.

As always, our Blog Hop runs in a circular fashion.  No matter where in the list of participants you begin, inevitably you'll wind up in the exact same place again if you keep going to the "next" blog.  It works the same way whether you conform to the usual forward movement through the blog posts or if you're a rebel and work your way through in reverse order.

For our February hop we have ten participants from various spots in the United States and Canada.  As a result, you'll see a lot of diverse projects since we are all affected by our surroundings.

And now, without further ado, here is our list of participants and their order of appearance.  Just click on the name and you'll arrive at their blog post within seconds.

We hope you enjoy checking out everyone's post and we'd love for you to leave a comment.  Comments are the icing on the cake for those of us sharing our posts.

Our next blog hop will launch on March 17th.  We look forward to seeing you then.

21 Jan 2016

The Wacky Watercooler’s Second January Mini Blog Hop

Welcome to our second blog hop of 2016!  Because the new Occasions 2016 Catalog launched this month and we've begun Sale-a-bration, we decided that we would present two mini-blog hops instead.  What can you expect?  You'll see many of the same names from the first mini-hop a couple of weeks ago and a few different ones.  Everyone has created two projects showing off the gorgeous new products that have just launched.  We're excited and hope you are as well.  The hard part was keeping it down to just two projects.

As always, our Blog Hop runs in a circular fashion.  No matter where in the list of participants you begin, inevitably you'll wind up in the exact same place again if you keep going to the "next" blog.  It works the same way whether you conform to the usual forward movement through the blog posts or if you're a rebel and work your way through in reverse order.

For this mini hop we have eleven participants from various spots in the United States and Canada.  As a result, you'll see a lot of diverse projects since we are all affected by our surroundings.

And now, without further ado, here is our list of participants and their order of appearance.  Just click on the name and you'll arrive at their blog post within seconds.

We hope you enjoy checking out everyone's post and we'd love for you to leave a comment.  Comments are the icing on the cake for those of us sharing our posts.

Our next regular blog hop will launch on February 18th.  We look forward to seeing you then.

7 Jan 2016

The Wacky Watercooler First January Mini Blog Hop (Introducing the Occasions Catalog and Sale-a-bration)

Welcome to our first blog hop of 2016!  Because the new Occasions 2016 Catalog has just launched and we've begun Sale-a-bration, we decided that we couldn't wait until the third Thursday of the month for our Blog Hop and so, for this month only, have decided to present two mini-blog hops instead.  What can you expect?  We've each created two projects showing off the gorgeous new products that have just launched.  We're excited and hope you are as well.  The hard part was keeping it down to just two projects.

As always, our Blog Hop runs in a circular fashion.  No matter where in the list of participants you begin, inevitably you'll wind up in the exact same place again if you keep going to the "next" blog.  It works the same way whether you conform to the usual forward movement through the blog posts or if you're a rebel and work your way through in reverse order.

For this mini hop we have seven participants from various spots in the United States and Canada.  As a result, you'll see a lot of diverse projects since we are all affected by our surroundings.

And now, without further ado, here is our list of participants and their order of appearance.  Just click on the name and you'll arrive at their blog post within seconds.

We hope you enjoy checking out everyone's post and we'd love for you to leave a comment.  Comments are the icing on the cake for those of us sharing our posts.

Our next mini blog hop will launch on January 21st with more projects based on products from the Occasions 2016 Catalog and Sale-a-bration.  We look forward to seeing you then.

19 Nov 2015

The Wacky Watercooler November Christmas Celebration

Welcome to our November Christmas celebration.  What is our blog hop about this time?  Why, Christmas, of course.  We're going to use some of our favourtie products and show you all sorts of wonderful creations to get you excited about making your own.  Each of us will also be making one project with products from our stash.  What is our stash?  Well, probably a lot like yours.  Products with which you fell in love and, even when they retired, you had to keep.  Just imagine your stash growing from a manageable little hill into a huge mountain, and you'll have an idea of how much we have stashed away and from which we can choose.  Now aren't you excited to see if we've kept some of the same things as you?

As always, our Blog Hop runs in a circular fashion.  No matter where in the list of participants you begin, inevitably you'll wind up in the exact same place again if you keep going to the "next" blog.  It works the same way whether you conform to the usual forward movement through the blog posts or if you're a rebel and work your way through in reverse order.

This month we have nine participants from various spots in the United States and Canada.  As a result, you'll see a lot of diverse projects since we are all affected by our surroundings.

And now, without further ado, here is our list of participants and their order of appearance.  Just click on the name and you'll arrive at their blog post within seconds.

We hope you enjoy checking out everyone's post and we'd love for you to leave a comment.  Comments are the icing on the cake for those of us sharing our posts.

Have a wonderful Christmas, Hanukkah, or whatever you and your loved ones enjoy celebrating.  We're taking the month of December off and so our next Blog Hop will be in January.  Stay healthy.  Have a wonderful time.  Happy New Year!

15 Oct 2015

The Wacky Watercooler October Holiday Round Up

Welcome to our October Holiday Round-Up!  What is this blog hop all about?  The upcoming holidays, of course.  What can you expect?  Really, it's anything goes where the holidays are concerned so you may see some Hallowe'en creations, some that are purely Thanksgiving, some Christmas or Hanukkah.  It's anyone's guess.  The only guarantee is that you'll discover some extremely talented ladies as you go through the posts and, hopefully, will become inspired along the way.

As always, our Blog Hop runs in a circular fashion.  No matter where in the list of participants you begin, inevitably you'll wind up in the exact same place again if you keep going to the "next" blog.  It works the same way whether you conform to the usual forward movement through the blog posts or if you're a rebel and work your way through in reverse order.

This month we have thirteen participants from various spots in the United States and Canada.  As a result, you'll see a lot of diverse projects since we are all affected by our surroundings.

And now, without further ado, here is our list of participants and their order of appearance.  Just click on the name and you'll arrive at their blog post within seconds.

We hope you enjoy checking out everyone's post and we'd love for you to leave a comment.  Comments are the icing on the cake for those of us sharing our posts.